Two of my prized dandelions made an appearance this weekend – spring must be on its way. Nurtured through years of neglect and apathy my dandelions looked a treat but there remains a 3ft snowdrift up against the field wall across the road. Local farmers are still putting out extra feed for the sheep and lambs as there are not yet enough nutrients in the fields. But at least the animals are all outside now and not in sheds. It was amusing watching the lambs at one of the feeders. Half of them didn’t know what was happening and just watched on in amazement; the other half climbed inside the iron feeder or got stuck halfway in. The episode made me realise that sheep make terrible mums. They either abandoned or almost trampled over their off-springs in the rush to meet the farmer bringing the feed, then barged the youngsters out of the way if it seemed they might be beaten to a slot at the feeder.